Working papers
Hitchcock, P. (preprint). Repetitive Negative Thinking Naturally Emerges in a Model that Learns to Gate Affective Content into Working Memory.
Hitchcock, P., Kim, J., & Frank, M. (submitted). Working Memory and Reinforcement Learning Interactions when Simultaneously Pursuing Reward and Avoiding Punishment: No Relationship to Internalizing Symptoms. [code]
Bedder, R., Hitchcock, P., & Sharp, P. (submitted). Unraveling Repetitive Negative Thinking With Reinforcement Learning.
Berwian, I., Hitchcock, P., Pisupati, S., Schoen, G., Niv, Y. (submitted). Using Learning Theories to Advance Psychotherapy Theory and Research.
Hitchcock, P. (2024). Of Strong Swords and Fine Scalpels: Developing Robust Clinical Principles to Cut through Heterogeneity. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. 133(8), 605–608.
Hitchcock, P., Frank, M. (2024). The Challenge of Learning Adaptive Mental Behavior. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. 133(5), 413–426. PMCID: PMC11229419 [code]
Hitchcock, P., Frank, M. (2024). From Tripping and Falling to Ruminating and Worrying: A Meta-Control Account of Repetitive Negative Thinking. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.
Deisenhofer, A. K., … Hitchcock, P., … & Cohen, Z. D. (2024). Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward.172. 1-16. Behaviour Research and Therapy. PMID: 38086157
Hitchcock, P., Britton, W., Mehta, K., Frank, M. (2023). Self-judgment Dissected: A Computational Modeling Analysis of Valenced Self-referential Processing and its Relationship to Trait Mindfulness and Depression Symptoms. 23, 171-189. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. PMCID: PMC9931629 [code]
Hitchcock, P., Fried, E., & Frank, M. (2022). Computational Psychiatry Needs Time and Context. Annual Review of Psychology, 73, 243-270. PMCID: PMC8822328
Hitchcock, P., Forman, E., Rothstein, N. J., Zhang, F., Kounios, J., Niv, Y.,* & Sims, C. R.* (2022). Rumination Derails Reinforcement Learning with Possible Implications for Ineffective Behavior. Clinical Psychological Science, 10(4). 714-733. PMCID: PMC9354806 [code]
2021 and before
Badal, V., Depp, C., Hitchcock, P., Penn, D., Harvey, P., & Pinkham, A. (2021). Computational Methods for Integrative Evaluation of Confidence, Accuracy, and Reaction Time in Facial Affect Recognition in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition, 25, 100196. PMCID: PMC8093458
Niv, Y., Hitchcock, P., Berwian, I. Schoen, G. (2021). Toward Precision Cognitive Behavioral Therapy via Reinforcement Learning Theory. In L.M. Williams & L.M. Hack (Eds.) Precision Psychiatry. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.
Herbert, J., Forman, E., Kaye, J., Gershkovich, M., Goetter, E., Yuen, E., Glassman, L., Goldstein, S., Hitchcock, P., Tronieri, J., Berkowitz, S., Marando-Blanck, S. (2018). Randomized Control Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy versus traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 9, 88-96.
Hitchcock, P., Radulescu, A., Niv, Y., Sims, C. (2017). Translating a Reinforcement Learning Task into a Computational Psychiatry Assay: Challenges and strategies. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, 39, 2217-2222.
Hitchcock, P., Martin, L., Fischer, L., Marando-Blanck, S., Herbert, J. (2016). Popular Conceptions of Mindfulness: Awareness and Emotional Control. Mindfulness, 7(4), 940-949.
Hitchcock, P., Forman, E., Herbert, J. (2016). Best Learning Practices for Internet Treatments. The Behavior Therapist, 39(2), 51-55.
Herbert, J., Forman, E., & Hitchcock, P. (2015). Contextual Approaches to Psychotherapy: Defining, Distinguishing, and Common Features. In R. D. Zettle, S. C. Hayes, D. Barnes-Holmes, & T. Biglan (Eds.), Handbook of Contextual Behavioral Science (pp. 287 – 302). West Sussex, UK: Wiley.
Britton, W., Brown, A., Kaplan, C., Goldman, R., DeLuca, M., Rojiani, R., Reis, H., Xi, M., Chou, J., McKenna, F., Hitchcock, P., Rocha, T., Himmelfarb, J., Margolis, D., Niles, H., Eckert, A., Frank, A. (2015). Contemplative Science: An Insider’s Prospectus. In Marilla Svinicki (ed). New Directions for Teaching and Learning: Contemplative Studies in Higher Education (pp. 13 – 29). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Capecelatro, M., Sacchet, M., Hitchcock, P., Miller, S., & Britton, W. (2013). Major Depression Duration Reduces Appetitive Word Use: An Elaborated Verbal Recall of Emotional Photographs. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(6), 809-815.
Van Vugt, M., Hitchcock, P., Shahar, B., & Britton, W. (2012). The Effects of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy on Affective Memory Recall Dynamics in Depression: A Mechanistic Model of Rumination. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6, 257. PMCID: PMC3446543
* equal contribution